Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 20

Dill and I take a break from the court room and walk outside. We run into Mr. Dolphus Raymond drinking from his paper sack. He reveals to us that he only acts drunk to the others so they will stay away from him. In his sack is only Coca- Cola. He offers some to Dill and he accepts the offer. He explains to us how he just prefers to be around African American people and he is married to an African American woman.
This picture shows what he actually has inside his drinking sack.

When we get back into the courtroom the trial is finished. Atticus makes a closing lecture to the people. He explains how African Americans are just like everyone else, and shouldn't be treated differently just because the color of their skin. He ends the trial with an impacting speech. He tells us how not all African Americans are criminals. This is when I realized how much Atticus cares about this trial. This is a picture of Atticus in the trial.

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