Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 21

Calpurnia came into the courtroom once Atticus was finished talking. She hands him a note. I realized what that note had said once Atticus looked up at Jem, Dill, and I sitting in the balcony. He didn't want us to witness this trial. Calpurnia then takes us home to have dinner. We begged Calpurnia to stay because we want to hear the verdict. She said we could come back when we were finished. This is a picture of Calpurnia outside.

We have never eatten so fast before. We were so eager to find out what had happened to Tom. We came back to the courtroom to find it still full. Jem is very confident that they will find Mayella guilty and a liar. I noticed that the jury didn't look at Tom when they re entered the room. He must have been convicted, and I was right. You can tell Jem was very upset, and so was Atticus. Everyone stood up when he came out, as a sign of respect to Atticus. The pain in Tom's face was horrible, and I'll never forget it. This is a picture of Jem. He was very emotional from the trial afterwards.

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