Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chapter 21

Calpurnia came into the courtroom once Atticus was finished talking. She hands him a note. I realized what that note had said once Atticus looked up at Jem, Dill, and I sitting in the balcony. He didn't want us to witness this trial. Calpurnia then takes us home to have dinner. We begged Calpurnia to stay because we want to hear the verdict. She said we could come back when we were finished. This is a picture of Calpurnia outside.

We have never eatten so fast before. We were so eager to find out what had happened to Tom. We came back to the courtroom to find it still full. Jem is very confident that they will find Mayella guilty and a liar. I noticed that the jury didn't look at Tom when they re entered the room. He must have been convicted, and I was right. You can tell Jem was very upset, and so was Atticus. Everyone stood up when he came out, as a sign of respect to Atticus. The pain in Tom's face was horrible, and I'll never forget it. This is a picture of Jem. He was very emotional from the trial afterwards.

Chapter 20

Dill and I take a break from the court room and walk outside. We run into Mr. Dolphus Raymond drinking from his paper sack. He reveals to us that he only acts drunk to the others so they will stay away from him. In his sack is only Coca- Cola. He offers some to Dill and he accepts the offer. He explains to us how he just prefers to be around African American people and he is married to an African American woman.
This picture shows what he actually has inside his drinking sack.

When we get back into the courtroom the trial is finished. Atticus makes a closing lecture to the people. He explains how African Americans are just like everyone else, and shouldn't be treated differently just because the color of their skin. He ends the trial with an impacting speech. He tells us how not all African Americans are criminals. This is when I realized how much Atticus cares about this trial. This is a picture of Atticus in the trial.

Chapter 18

Mayella is called to the stand again today. Her story is that she told Tom to come into her house and offered him a nickel to help her out with something. She said once he got into the house he took advantage of her and didn't know what to do. She said she was helpless and scared. We later figure out that her siblings aren't helpful and she has a drunken father. I don't know how much I believe her side of the story. It still doesn't seem right. This is a picture of Mayella.

Atticus begins to ask her various questions. He asked her questions such as why didn't her screams bring other people running to help her and how she got bruises on the right side of her face when Tom was cripple with his left hand. His hand was ruined by a cotton gin when he was younger. Atticus tells the court that Tom didn't rape her, but that her father beat her. This is Mayella's father Bob Ewell.

Chapter 16

People from all over town begin to come to the Tom Robinson trial. Many of our neighbors came as well, except Miss. Maudie. She says that she doesn't want to watch someone on trial for his life. Jem, Dill, and I try to come in with a big crowd so Atticus wouldn't notice us. We ended up getting seat because of Reverend Sykes letting us sit in the balcony.

Mr. Gilmer, the prosecutor, begins to question Heck Tate. Heck tells us how Bob Ewell told him to go to the Ewell household because his daughter Mayella had been raped. He found Mayella bruised and beaten. Mayella told him that Tom had raped her. Apparently, after Tom did the crime he had ran away from the scene. I honestly don't believe any of Mayella's story. I think she's a liar. This is a picture of Mayella and Atticus while on trial.

Chapter 14

Everyone has been gossiping about Atticus all week. Jem and I hear people talking about our family all the time. So many people say Atticus will regret ever defending Tom, but Atticus still continues to anyway. I asked Atticus what Tom had done wrong. Atticus tried explaining to me what "rape" meant, and he told me Tom was falsely accused. This is a picture of Tom and Atticus while they were in trial.

Aunt Alexandra tried to get rid of Calpurnia. She told Atticus that she wants her gone for good. Atticus told her she was apart of the family and she needs to stay. Atticus had a talk with me and Jem that night and told us we need to stop being rude to our Aunt. I got so bad that I attacked Jem because I couldn't stand being lectured at. When I was sent to my room to bed, I Found Dill under my bed. He told me he ran away from home because he felt neglected home. This is Dill in the photo in my kitchen.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter 11

Jem lost his temper today with an old lady we know. The old lady is Mrs. Dubose and she isn't a pleasant woman. Atticus always tells us to be polite and treat her nicely, but she's so rude it's impossible to. Today she yelled at us while we were passing her. She kept yelling at Jem and telling him how Atticus is a "nigger" and how he's "trash". Jem gets so mad at her that he destroys all of her camellia bushes. This represents Mrs. Dubose bushes, before they were destroyed from Jem. 

Jem was obviously punished for doing what he did to Mrs. Dubose bushes. Mrs. Dubose made him go to her house everyday and read to her for a month. Atticus forced Jem to do as he was told to, and I tagged along. Jem and I both noticed while Jem would read to her that she would have fits. We never understood why this would happen, but she'd always fall asleep. Jem would read to her for hours some days. One day, Atticus came home and told us Mrs. Dubose died. Mrs. Dubose gave Jem a camellia flower to show that she wasn't a horrible person. This is a picture of the flower she gave him. Atticus explained to us that she was a morphine addict and she was trying to recover before she passed away. He said that he never saw someone so brave and have so much courage. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

During school today I got into a fight. One of my classmates Cecil Jacobs was calling Atticus horrible names. I got so angry at him for offending my father in front of everyone. He kept taunting me saying my dad "Scout Finch's daddy defends niggers." He was non stop making fun of my dad even when I asked him to stop. I couldn't take it any longer so I ended up attacking him! I honestly thought he deserved it. This picture shows how the fight happened and my anger towards Cecil.

Every time during Christmas we stay at the Jack Finch's Landing. This is what the Finch's Landing looks like. Jack is my uncle and I love him we usually always get along. This Christmas Francis was at the Landing. Francis is my Aunt Alexandra's grandson, and he's my cousin. Aunt Alexandra always tells me that I need to start dressing and acting like a lady, but Jem tells me not to listen to her. I can't stand Francis. I don't think I've ever met anyone more boring then him. I was talking to Francis and he kept telling me how Dill is a runt and how my father is a "nigger lover". I got so irritated with him thought I beat him up. I ended up telling my Uncle Jack why I fought him, but I made him promise me not to tell Atticus because i promised him that I wouldn't get into another fight over him after Cecil.