Monday, March 11, 2013

Chapter 11

Jem lost his temper today with an old lady we know. The old lady is Mrs. Dubose and she isn't a pleasant woman. Atticus always tells us to be polite and treat her nicely, but she's so rude it's impossible to. Today she yelled at us while we were passing her. She kept yelling at Jem and telling him how Atticus is a "nigger" and how he's "trash". Jem gets so mad at her that he destroys all of her camellia bushes. This represents Mrs. Dubose bushes, before they were destroyed from Jem. 

Jem was obviously punished for doing what he did to Mrs. Dubose bushes. Mrs. Dubose made him go to her house everyday and read to her for a month. Atticus forced Jem to do as he was told to, and I tagged along. Jem and I both noticed while Jem would read to her that she would have fits. We never understood why this would happen, but she'd always fall asleep. Jem would read to her for hours some days. One day, Atticus came home and told us Mrs. Dubose died. Mrs. Dubose gave Jem a camellia flower to show that she wasn't a horrible person. This is a picture of the flower she gave him. Atticus explained to us that she was a morphine addict and she was trying to recover before she passed away. He said that he never saw someone so brave and have so much courage. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

During school today I got into a fight. One of my classmates Cecil Jacobs was calling Atticus horrible names. I got so angry at him for offending my father in front of everyone. He kept taunting me saying my dad "Scout Finch's daddy defends niggers." He was non stop making fun of my dad even when I asked him to stop. I couldn't take it any longer so I ended up attacking him! I honestly thought he deserved it. This picture shows how the fight happened and my anger towards Cecil.

Every time during Christmas we stay at the Jack Finch's Landing. This is what the Finch's Landing looks like. Jack is my uncle and I love him we usually always get along. This Christmas Francis was at the Landing. Francis is my Aunt Alexandra's grandson, and he's my cousin. Aunt Alexandra always tells me that I need to start dressing and acting like a lady, but Jem tells me not to listen to her. I can't stand Francis. I don't think I've ever met anyone more boring then him. I was talking to Francis and he kept telling me how Dill is a runt and how my father is a "nigger lover". I got so irritated with him thought I beat him up. I ended up telling my Uncle Jack why I fought him, but I made him promise me not to tell Atticus because i promised him that I wouldn't get into another fight over him after Cecil.

Chapter 8

We haven't gotten snow in Maycomb for as long as anyone in this town can remember. Today we got a light snow fall and we have off from school! Jem and I wanted to make a snow man but we didn't have enough snow on our lawn to make one. We went to Miss. Maudie's house and carried as much snow as we could back to our lawn. We showed Atticus our creation and he told us it looks exactly like our neighbor Mr. Avery. This is a picture of our snow man we built!

That night of the storm Atticus wakes me up in the middle of the night! Miss. Maudie's house caught on fire! Atticus orders me to go outside with Jem and stand at the corner of the street by the Radley's house. There were fire trucks everywhere and the whole neighborhood was crowding around her house! Everyone in the neighborhood were trying to save her furniture! I couldn't believe Miss. Maudie's house burned to the crowd. The fire men couldn't save her house in time. Jem and I talked to her the next day and she was surprisingly really calm about losing everything and trying to  see the best in the situation. I got a photo of the house burning!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chapter 6

Jem and Dill were planning on sneaking to Boo Radley's house to try and take a glance at him. I tagged along. We tried looking through various windows but at first we couldn't see anything. We then saw a glimpse of Boo Radley! I remember perfectly that the man was wearing a hat and a fleece. A shot gun was shot and we panicked. We ran to the school yard and we crawled under the fence so no one could catch us.

Once we got home we saw that the whole neighborhood was crowding the Radley's house. Jem and I were asking all the neighbors what had happened as if we didn't know. Miss Maudie, one of our neighbors, said that Nathan Radley shot at an African American man in his yard. All the neighbors said that Mr. Radley is waiting to shot at anything that trespasses on his lawn again. Atticus then notices Jem isn't wearing any pants. Dill tells my father that he lost in a game in strip poker, but they really got caught on the school yard fence.

Chapter 2

I was so excited to start school today and it was already horrible! Miss. Caroline was angry with me because she said I'm to intelligent and ahead of the class. Miss Caroline told me who ever is teaching me things they need to stop. No one is teaching me at home. The only learning I do at home is when I read with Atticus every night. I really don't like school but Atticus told me if I kept going we can continue to read every night.

Miss Caroline then orders us to get out our lunches. Walter Cunningham's in my class and he's very  poor. His family are a bunch of farmers and the Great Depression in Maycomb hit them hard. Miss Caroline offers Walter a coin to buy at lunch, but Walter refuses. Miss Caroline was very confused to why he would deny her offer, and I tried to explain the Cunningham's to her. I explained to her that the Cunningham family doesn't take offers from people because they can never pay the people back. Miss Caroline thought I was crazy and didn't believe me.